Saturday, July 31, 2010

i got skills

I want to start making my own earrings. I bought the tools and beads. Today I am going to make my first pair.

My goal: to maybe someday have a earring making business. Then stop going to college.... haha really I just want to know how to make earrings.

Last Saturday my grandma taught me how to crochet. It made me realize how extremely talented she is and how fun it is to spend time with my grandma. Crocheting was hard, but I got the hang of it. I really want to perfect this skill and use it in my life.

My goal: to be the grandma that spends her time crocheting blankets for new babies in the ward.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! You do have some mad skills. i remember in middle school I learned and was teased about my old lady skills. You will have to teach me how to crochet.
