Sunday, June 13, 2010

No "Thank You's"

I recently had an extremely guilty feeling come over me.

Let me confess.

I never wrote my "thank you's" from my wedding.

No real legitimate excuses.

Only forgetfulness and laziness.

I once heard that you have one full year to write your "thank you's" before people think you're rude. I'm not so sure this is true. If it is, I have 4 months left.

Do girls really finish all their "thank you's"?

My friend Kayley did.

(this is probably what I would have written you, feel free to add in your name and gift given)

Dear ___________,
Thank you so much for supporting Robbie and I and our new life together. We really appreciate the ___________ you gave us. We can't wait to use it(or spend it)(hehe).
Thanks again,

Robbie and Kelli Matthews

**note(hehe- not included in actual letter)

I don't know what happened or how I got so behind, I am usually responsible and on-top of things. But for some reason I let the "thank you's" slip. I think I wrote a total of 30 and those were to people who came to my first bridal shower. I am sorry everyone! I know hardly anyone reads my blog, but if you do read my blog and you didn't receive a "thank you" from me I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I especially want to thank my family in Idaho who threw that wonderful bridal shower for me. It was spectacular and such a great idea.

Let me end by saying.

Robbie and I are so grateful for everything we received for our wedding last October. WE REALLY ARE SO THANKFUL FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS AND WE LOVE YOU ALL.


  1. I totally didn't either! I think I maybe wrote 50-100? But definitely didn't do them all. I felt so guilty, but then I just got over it. But for awhile, whenever I would run into someone who I never wrote a note to, I felt even more guilty and would think, "all they are thinking about is how I never wrote them a thank you note".

    By the way, this is Kristine, Tara's friend. And I might blog stalk you :)

  2. I didn't! And I totally cheated by writing the same thing in every card. Wish I was awesome! Thanks for being so sweet and leaving a comment on my blog. Good to know that people read it (besides me). Haha right now I'm working for Jeremy Trail at his insurance office and at Gap. All I do is work. How are you doing lady? How is life?

  3. I didn't write thank you cards. I feel that I had a good excuse, i was pregnant and sick and we didn't have the money to send 150 + cards out with a baby on the way and new expenses that occurred from that. My husband said he would do it all on his own cause he didn't want to be rude and then never did. And we've been married for almost 14 months now. Sure I felt bad, but not enough to stress myself out over it and go broke.
